The 13 Best Languages To Learn (Number 9 May Surprise You)
The 13 Best Languages To Learn (Number 9 May Surprise You)
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What Are The Best Languages To Learn?
Do you want to know what the best languages to learn are? There are approximately 6,900 languages spoken in the globe today, so you're spoiled for choice when it comes to deciding which one to study.
Are you trying to figure out which languages would be the most beneficial to learn? Learning a new language entails not just acquiring new words to describe the same things, but also learning a new way of thinking about them.
Which are the best languages to learn out of all the languages spoken around the world?
What language is the most important to learn? You've come to the correct place if you're curious about the best languages to learn.
RELATED: What Language Should I Learn? Take the Quiz To Find Out.
Most people want to learn a foreign language or decide which second (or third, or fourth) language to learn, and you place a high value on practicality, but many people get stuck on the question, “Which language should I learn?” If you're asking yourself that question, it's likely that you don't have a strong desire to learn any one language.
You want a language that will give you more bang for your buck, whether you're studying it for professional reasons or merely to cross something off your bucket list. But how can you know which languages are the most useful?
Choose one of the most helpful languages. Which one, though, is the best? And if you're going to study more than one, which one should you start with? For native English speakers or those who have previously mastered English, the following list are the most vital languages to learn.
Although all languages are useful, the ones you'll need to impress international business partners are different from the ones you'll need to backpack across Europe.
Maybe you dream of traveling through South America. Perhaps you want to do business in Beijing. Perhaps you want to study spirituality in India or work as an interpreter. Whatever your objective is, there is a language for it. The only question is which is the best option.
Well, I'm here to provide you with some inspiration.
If you're planning to work in a certain country, you won't have to second-guess what language to learn next. For you, the choice has already been made! The most practical approach is to learn the language of the country or region in which you will be residing.
In fact, Pimsleur is a fantastic place to start if you want to experience how enjoyable language study can be for you.
If you wish to learn any of these languages, Pimsleur is a good place to start. You may be perfect for becoming a translator or interpreter if you take on the task of mastering any one of these languages.
Get a free trial of the Pimsleur method and you’ll see how to learn a language in just 30 minutes a day.
If you want to do international business, travel around the world, or study in a foreign country, knowing one of the world's most widely spoken languages will give you a better chance of communicating.
It's also a personal choice, whether it's to travel overseas or widen your horizons. When travelling, though, learning a language may be quite beneficial. So, what are the most widely studied foreign languages throughout the globe? I've created a list of the top thirteen languages to study, which will take you around the world and back!
To assist you in determining which language is most beneficial for you, see my suggestions below.
There has never been a better time than today to learn a foreign language. Which foreign language, on the other hand, offers greater career opportunities? What foreign language is the most "in-demand"? What is the best foreign language to learn, and where should you study it?
People from all around the world speak English because it has become a type of lingua franca. However, being able to interact in all professional areas (especially tourism and international business) requires more than just knowing English. There are several advantages to learning any of the top 13 most useful languages.
Having said that, most people's primary motivation for learning one of the most useful languages is for professional reasons. Speaking one or more foreign languages has become one of the most in-demand skills among recruiters.
All languages are useful, and there are several reasons to study each one, but the trick is determining which languages are the most beneficial to you. It's important to consider your hobbies, as well as your travel, educational, and professional goals, before selecting a language. If you're still stumped, I can suggest other languages to study.
You could be drawn to learning a foreign language because you like a culture. Or maybe you just enjoy the sound of it. Perhaps you, on the other hand, are a little more practical. Maybe it's about making the most of your possibilities - for job and business, or for travel.
Many individuals contemplate travelling overseas to learn more about themselves and to find success. Are you one of those individuals? If you are, you should consider learning additional languages, which will undoubtedly help you succeed in the future.
Which language is the most beneficial to learn? Here's the good news: there is no such thing as the "best" language. Every language has a rich cultural past (as well as a few terms that are a little difficult to pronounce). The ideal language for you is the one that is appropriate for your goals.
In just moments you’ll discover:
The top 13 best foreign languages to learn.
Anyone interested in learning a language other than English.
And native English speakers who wish to learn a second language but aren't sure which one to pick.
There’s no doubt that learning a language or a second (or third) language is beneficial.
Some of the many benefits of learning one of the best languages include:
Travel with ease.
More job opportunities, including a higher income with being bilingual or multilingual.
Being able to communicate with loved ones (family, romantic relationships, make new friends).
Not as many people may be up for the challenge or haven’t learned a language, whereas you could fit into a population of people being able to speak a foreign language that could lead to more opportunities.
A language doesn’t just let you order another beverage. Or get from A to B without stress.These are, without a doubt, add-ons. A language, on the other hand, may open up a whole new world for you: you can find yourself living in a new country, working in a new career, and enjoying your new relationship and friends. The options are limitless! Don't you think it's incredible?
Fluency in a second or third language is unquestionably one of the most important elements to success in today's world. Globalization is undeniably one of our society's defining characteristics, necessitating the hiring of multilingual employees. We are also more mobile as a society than we have ever been. The capacity to converse in another language expands our options for where we want to live.
It is up to you to decide how helpful a language is! This links into your reasons for wanting to study it. Does this make sense?
Why not help yourself by opening doors? Giving oneself the gift that keeps on giving by learning a second language overseas can help you access new employment opportunities, make new contacts, and explore vacation options. Not to mention the enjoyment you'll have touring historical sites, participating in exciting activities, and sampling delectable cuisine!
Whether you want to study a romance language, a European language, or an Eastern language, you'll be broadening your horizons in a significant way.
It's a great resource to have while travelling, learning, or putting on your resume, in addition to allowing you to interact with individuals from all over the world.
Each language has its own characteristics that make learning enjoyable. You could choose to try your hand at a few other languages or concentrate on just one. However, how can you decide which one to focus on? Read on to find out which language you should study next, whether you want to become bilingual or a polyglot. I've created a list of the best and most helpful languages to learn right now.
What Are The Most Useful Languages To Learn?
1. Spanish
On these types of lists, Spanish is usually towards the top, and with good reason. If you live in the United States and want to learn a language that you can use on a regular basis, Spanish is a top candidate. Because Spanish is extensively spoken in the United States, it is a very valuable language for Americans to learn. If you live, work, or travel in the United States, Spanish is the language to study!
In fact, Spanish is the most often spoken second language in the United States. The Spanish language has a lot of potential. It's also one of the easiest languages to learn for native English speakers — and maybe the easiest European language to learn for native English and Romance language speakers! There are several reasons for this, including the global prevalence of Spanish speakers.
With the world's second-largest economy and a Hispanic population that is expected to quadruple by 2050, Spanish is extremely essential. After Mandarin, Spanish is the world's second most popular first language, and the second most spoken language in North America! After English, Spanish is the most frequently spoken language in both Europe and the United States.
Believe it or not, the United States is now the world's second biggest Spanish-speaking country, after only Mexico. With Spanish being the world's second most widely spoken language and its importance in business contracts, it's a top choice for the most sought-after foreign language to learn, with a variety of learning materials such as tutors, books, and apps available.
Spanish is the official language of 20 countries in North America, South America, Europe, and Africa, with 580 million speakers worldwide, including 460 million native speakers and 74 million non-native speakers, mostly in North and South America. It’s also the unofficial second language in the United States. Did you know that the United States has more Spanish speakers than Spain and Colombia combined?
The United States has an estimated 37 million individuals who speak Spanish as their primary language and 50 million people who speak Spanish as a second language. It’s also one of the United Nations' official languages. Spanish is extensively spoken, with people in North America, South America, and the Caribbean, in addition to Europe (Spain).
In fact, cities like Miami, Los Angeles, New York, and Houston have more Spanish speakers than Spain, so you won't have to travel far to get a lot of use out of this language. Spanish is widely spoken in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Spain, Uruguay, Venezuela, and widely spoken in over 20 more countries.
You should know that there are two primary dialects of Spanish: Spanish spoken in Spain and Spanish spoken in Latin America. It's also one of the most closely related languages to Latin (after Sardinian), so learning it will open doors to all other Romance languages. If you know Spanish, you'll find learning Portuguese, French, Italian, and even Romanian a lot easier.
That means you'll always be able to practice with a native speaker. Because Spanish has more native speakers than English, it is the ideal language to learn for travel. Learning Spanish will enhance your travel experience and help you to communicate with locals, and it is not a difficult second language to pick up.
While learning Spanish, you might be zip lining through Costa Rican rainforests, oohing and awing at Machu Picchu, and basking on Spain's sun-kissed coastlines. The majority of these countries are well-known for their various tourist attractions. If you enjoy travelling to these places and watching various Spanish films and television programs, this may be a great option for you.
Furthermore, in areas such as travel and tourism, translation, interpretation, teaching, international business and communications, many Spanish companies are quickly expanding their presence in the United States. What makes it such a helpful language? It's easy to see how learning Spanish may help job seekers save a lot of money.
Because of the large number of individuals who speak Spanish, learning it is extremely useful for those in business. Spanish skills might be useful for speaking in Spain and throughout Latin America for people who wish to do business. The fact that the United States has a large Spanish-speaking population makes it even more appealing on a CV.
Americans who want to work in law, social services, or business in the United States can really stand out if they know Spanish. Spanish-speaking countries conduct a lot of business with the United States as well. Mexico is the country's third-largest commercial partner.
Whether you're utilizing Spanish in the corporate sector, the medical field, or just conversing with someone in line at the grocery store, you'll find plenty of opportunities to put it to use in many regions of the United States.
2. Chinese (Mandarin)
Mandarin is one of the world's fastest growing languages and one of the top ten most vital languages for the future. Mandarin Chinese is, without a doubt, the most essential language to learn, with over 1.2 billion speakers globally. You can communicate with millions of individuals across the world, especially those in China's enormous and developing economy, by studying Mandarin.
Mandarin Chinese is the world's most frequently spoken language, and learning it will not only help you communicate with the world's 1.3 billion Mandarin speakers, but it will also open doors to a plethora of employment opportunities, including jobs in international business or banking. Mandarin is the most popular option for people interested in learning Chinese.
It is a dialect of Chinese and the official state language of China. Mandarin is the most common of the ten Chinese dialect groups, and it is spoken largely in China's north. The most influential dialect is believed to be the Beijing dialect. Mandarin is the second most popular internet language, and it continues to develop, as it is the standard official and literary form of Chinese based on the Beijing dialect.
If that isn't enough to persuade you of its value, Chinese is also one of the United Nations' six official languages. For the record, the world's population is projected to be over 7.6 billion people, which means Mandarin Chinese is spoken by more than 13% of the population. The problem is that there are 12 different Chinese languages, with Mandarin being the most prevalent (917 million native speakers and 198 million non-native speakers).
In fact, in certain countries, Mandarin is taught as an elective subject in schools, resulting in a strong demand for Mandarin language instructors. It's also one of the most difficult languages to learn, yet the benefits are enormous! Mandarin Chinese is a difficult language to learn, but don't let that deter you; it's also the ideal language for business.
It has a high business rating (China is an economic superpower). If you want to study a language that will provide you with the benefits listed above, this is the language to learn. Learning its hundreds of distinct characters is sure to excite any mind, even if it is difficult! The official language of mainland China is Mandarin. It is extensively spoken in Taiwan, Singapore, Macau, and Hong Kong, in addition to China.
A basic grasp of Mandarin gives you a world of possibilities for business and travel. Learning Mandarin Chinese will not only make it easier for you to order at your favorite Chinese restaurants, but it will also be highly useful in the workplace. And, with such a large population, China has tremendous purchasing power.
Learning Mandarin will be beneficial for international business concerns, as China is one of the fastest-growing economies. China's economy is among the world's largest. Because of its overwhelming influence in the global business landscape, Mandarin Chinese is regarded as one of the most significant languages for enhancing company prospects throughout the world.
Let's face it: learning Mandarin is one of the best business decisions you can make. The tiny number of people who understand Mandarin have a huge advantage over their monolingual counterparts. Because of China's status as an emerging global leader, knowing Chinese is also a valuable skill in business.
China's economy continues to develop at an exponential rate each year, and it is expected to overtake the United States as the world's largest economy by 2050. While the majority of speakers are from China, the country is rapidly becoming a worldwide power, making it increasingly vital for enterprises to have Chinese-speaking employees.
The number of international corporations seeking Mandarin-speaking CEOs has increased by 35% over previous years. China is an important trading partner because, in addition to its expanding population, it has a stronghold on exports to the United States and the United Kingdom. China is America's most important commercial partner.
Chinese skills will increasingly be required in international corporate roles, resulting in additional career possibilities. When applying for a job, being able to communicate in Chinese can help you stand out from the crowd. As a result, learning Chinese is a fantastic investment.
Mandarin will be useful for diplomats and military personnel as well. However, business isn't the only field in which Chinese speakers may pursue a career. Native English speakers are also in high demand in China as teachers.
3. English
With almost 750 million people learning English as a second language, it's no wonder that it's at the top of the list, despite having a much smaller native speaker population (379 million) than both Spanish and Mandarin. English is, without a question, one of the most influential languages on the planet. More than 75% of the world's population speaks English.
Even in countries where English is not the first language, it’s almost certain that someone will speak it because it is the most widely spoken second language. With 1.4 billion people speaking it, it’s currently the most spoken language on the planet. One in every five people worldwide speaks some English, so even if you travel to a country where you don't speak the native language, you'll most likely be able to get by with just English.
It's worth noting that the number of non-native English speakers nearly doubles that of native English speakers, making English the most widely studied and spoken foreign language on the planet. 67 countries have adopted it as their official language.
English is spoken as a second language in 55 countries. It is taught and learned as a second language in the majority of countries around the world, making it one of the most important languages. It's also worth mentioning that English, which is one of the United Nations' official languages, is used on more than half of all websites.
It’s utilized in international trade, international travel, diplomatic affairs, and computer technology. Because of the world's rising globalization, English has become the primary business language — the world's lingua franca. Not only that, but many of the world's most powerful economies — the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom — are English-speaking.
With a plethora of books, games, movies, and TV shows to help you practice, it's easy to see why English is the most popular language to learn worldwide.
4. French
As we all know, French is known as the language of love. France is known for its wonderful croissants, fashion, cheese, and wine, among other things. It is a popular vacation destination, making it one of the most useful languages to learn. If it appeals to you, French might be the solution to your question, "What is the greatest language to learn?"
For centuries, French was the worldwide, diplomatic language. English has only lately surpassed French as the language of diplomacy, thanks to the advent of the United States as a worldwide power. France is still a major economic powerhouse and a popular tourist destination, therefore learning French is a must!
One of the benefits of studying French is that it accounts for around 25% of our English vocabulary, so you'll have a jump start if you select this language! Because French is a Romance language, it is connected to Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian, thus studying it may make learning the others a little easier (or may be easy if you already know one of them!).
Whether you plan to go to France, Quebec, or Sub-Saharan Africa, mastering this lingua franca (pun intended) might open some major doors for your career. There are around 280 million French speakers worldwide, with 78 million native speakers, making it the 14th most common first language, and the remaining 200 million speaking French as a second language.
French is the official language of over 29 countries around the world and the European Union's second most widely spoken first language. After English, French is the second most widely studied foreign language in the world, and it's easy to see why. French is also one of the six official languages of the United Nations.
NATO, the United Nations, the Olympics, the Red Cross, and other international organizations all use French as an official language. The language is widely spoken in Europe (France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Monaco, and Switzerland), Africa (in over 26 countries, including Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco), the Americas and the Caribbean (Canada, Haiti, French Guiana, Martinique, and Guadeloupe), and three Pacific Islands.
Many people consider French to be the easiest second language for English speakers to learn. France's colonial past has contributed to the spread of the language around the world, and, like English, has resulted in a situation where there are more non-native French speakers than native French speakers. Furthermore, many people believe that the French do not speak English, therefore learning it before going there is beneficial.
Many people, on the other hand, say that their food is the greatest in the world, making it a very useful language to know when ordering! Learning French can help you get a job in the global tourist industry, fashion, the visual arts, or theatre, as French is the most widely spoken language in these fields. It is an essential language to learn because of its widespread use, particularly in emerging economies.
Because France is the world's fifth largest economy, French is very essential in the business sector. Because of France's economic strength, it is one of the best languages to learn for business, and it is also an official UN language utilized in politics! Knowing French allows you to apply for jobs in companies all around the world, from Belgium to Switzerland to Canada.
Of course, being one of the world's greatest economies and foreign investment destinations, France is an ideal business partner, so learning French will be quite beneficial. But what if you're not interested in business? Don't worry, there are still plenty of situations in which French can be useful. Apart from that, it sounds lovely!
Pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, aeronautics, energy generation, and other industries are all dominated by France. In addition, French is important in worldwide initiatives to encourage development in Africa. Africa, which is quickly developing and rich in natural resources, is included in the French-speaking globe.
Three of the top five fastest-growing African economies have French as their official language. French is one of the official languages of several countries in West Africa, Central Africa, and East Africa. Being able to converse in French can help you obtain work as a consultant, non-profit executive, or in administration, among many other fields.
If you want to pursue a career in fashion, Paris, France is the “Fashion Capital of the World,” so knowing French can help you communicate with designers, models, and even random individuals you meet at various fashion events. Because most Americans study Spanish in school, knowing French offers you an advantage over other job seekers.
5. German
Due to the sheer number of native speakers throughout Europe, German is the most widely spoken language, and Germany remains Europe's most powerful economy. It’s also the official language of Austria and Switzerland, two countries with thriving economies.
As a result, whether you conduct business or want to do business in Europe, German is one of the most vital languages to learn, and it is also one of the best languages to study for travelling around Europe. It is, nevertheless, a surprisingly easy language to learn. German is spoken by an estimated 130 million people worldwide.
German has the greatest number of native speakers of any language in Western Europe, with 95 million native speakers. Furthermore, it is the most frequently spoken native language in the European Union, with an additional 56 million people studying it as a second language. Non-native speakers account for approximately two-thirds of all German speakers worldwide.
It's also the world's 13th most common first language. After English, German is the world's third most popular foreign language, and the second most popular in Europe and Japan. It is the most widely spoken language in Europe and Germany.
The great majority of German speakers live in Germany, which is the most populous country in the European Union, although additional German speakers may be found in surrounding European countries such as Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, and Luxembourg. Though it is not easy, English speakers may find German to be more familiar than other languages—this is due to the fact that they belong to the same language family.
German is a West Germanic language, which means it has a lot in common with English, Afrikaans, Dutch, and Yiddish. It also has a lot in common with Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish in terms of vocabulary. You can't go wrong learning the language of arts and music in Germany, Switzerland, or Austria - just be mindful of the many dialects and stick to practicing German with native speakers.
Not only is German the most commonly spoken native language in the European Union, but it is also a powerful economic powerhouse that provides limitless travel opportunities across the continent! German is also a valuable business language, given Germany is the world's fourth largest economy and third largest exporter.
German is an essential language for international commerce and diplomacy since it is Europe's largest economy. Germany's economy is large enough to make it a good choice for anybody wanting to do business in Europe. Germany has a robust economy and is one of the United States' most important trading partners. As a result, it is easy to assume that it also provides commercial prospects for German speakers.
Why is it such an important language? If you want to make a lot of money, German is the language to study. When compared to learning Spanish or French, knowing German will provide the most benefits in terms of incentives. Most people would believe that speaking a more common language like Spanish or Mandarin would help them to be more successful.
Knowing German as a second language, on the other hand, places you in a unique position and increases your economic value. Furthermore, because Germany is a European powerhouse, it provides greater financial rewards than other languages. As a result of this expansion, the country has become one of the world's most powerful economies.
It’s in the top ten import and export partners in both the United States and the United Kingdom. In the United States, German companies employ 700,000 people, and learning German may lead to great job opportunities. According to business analysts, individuals with German language skills are paid 4% higher in various industries and companies.
Furthermore, Germany's technological advances, together with its political and economic dominance in the European Union and across the world, make learning German extremely useful. Knowing German can help you excel in these sectors worldwide, as Germany is the world's third greatest contributor to research and development.
6. Arabic
Another excellent language to study is Arabic, which answers the question of which foreign language provides the greatest career opportunities. If you're interested in diplomacy, intelligence, refugee work, or general commercial opportunities, Arabic is the language to learn. For individuals looking to tap into the Middle East and Africa's booming economies, learning Arabic is fast becoming a worthwhile investment.
Learn Arabic while seeing Egypt's pyramids, Morocco's beautiful mosques, or Palestine's sacred places. Arabic is also often studied as a second language. It's no surprise that Arabic made the list as the UN's official language and as the language of nearly 1.8 billion Muslims throughout the world. 273 million native speakers and 132 million non-native speakers speak Arabic, which is the official language of 28 countries.
While it is difficult to pinpoint the precise number of Arabic speakers in the globe today, it is believed that there are over 422 million. Arabic is the world's fifth most spoken language, with many active, expanding economies in the Middle East and Africa, and it will likely continue to climb the ranks as commerce between Arab countries expands.
Learning Arabic might be a beneficial investment as commerce to and from Arab countries continues to grow. Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Chad, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, Palestine, and Western Sahara all speak Arabic.
Learning Arabic is important because of these popular tourist locations. Some of the world's fastest-growing economies are in Arabic-speaking countries. Arabic is an excellent language to learn if you want to participate in the booming economies of the Middle East and Africa. Arabic-speaking countries are major export markets for the United Kingdom and the European Union, and they show no signs of stopping.
Arabic is a wonderful language, but it is notoriously difficult for English speakers to master. Part of this is due to the fact that it differs greatly depending on where it is spoken—an Arabic speaker from Lebanon may be unable to comprehend an Algerian speaker, and vice versa.
While there are numerous dialects of Arabic that are not mutually intelligible, knowing Arabic may help you understand whatever dialects you want to specialize in. Although regional vocabulary variations mean you'll have to concentrate on one dialect, knowing one will help you learn another. You'd be better off learning a dialect unless you're learning Arabic only for the purpose of studying Quranic literature.
However, if you have a specific Arabic-speaking country in mind, you might study the dialect to assist you in day-to-day living while travelling and establishing friends. Egyptian, Levantine, and North African dialects are all popular. Most programs, on the other hand, will teach you Modern Standard Arabic, or MSA.
Millions of individuals use a dialect as their first language and study Standard Arabic for religious and educational purposes, despite the fact that it is spoken as a second language by 270 million people. This is a standardized form of the Arabic language that is taught in schools throughout the Arab world and will enable you to converse with Arabic speakers from nearly any country.
MSA is also used by a number of governments, corporations, and news organizations. It is a widely spoken language in several of the world's wealthiest countries. It is also one of the United Nations' official languages. The Middle East is seeing an increase in internet access and usage. Translation of internet content is likely to increase in the future years, as many users only speak Arabic.
With Arabic language fluency, you may expect numerous possibilities in business, government, non-profit, education, and other fields in Middle Eastern nations such as Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, and others. Arabic speakers may also find employment in research, engineering, architecture, business, and other fields because the language is widely spoken in many of the world's wealthiest countries.
Because Arabic is used so often in international affairs, the United States has designated it as a strategic language. Knowing Arabic offers up rich opportunities in a variety of professions. Arabic speakers can find work in a variety of fields, including business, engineering, architecture, science, journalism, international NGOs, and more, as a result of these factors.
Look no farther than Arabic if you want to study a language that is spoken by hundreds of millions of people and will help you stand out from other job applicants. Furthermore, Arabic skills are in high demand. For national security purposes, Arabic has been designated as a "critical language."
It goes without saying that recent geopolitical developments have compelled the Western world to learn more about the Arab world. However, understanding Arabic is a plus for government and military positions in the United States, making it one of the best languages for Americans to study. It's also ideal for those interested in careers in media or tourism.
The US State Department lists Arabic, along with Korean, Japanese, Mongolian, and Mandarin, as one of the most difficult languages to master. To put it another way, you must be really motivated! Arabic speakers can also work in media and other fields outside of government.
7. Japanese
Even though Japanese is not commonly spoken outside of Japan, it is nevertheless useful to know. It's also a great way to learn other Asian languages. Japanese has some Chinese characters, and because the syntax is similar to Korean, studying Japanese sets you on the path to learning all three languages.
Japanese may not come to mind when you think of one of the best languages to study overseas, but with over 128 million speakers, it’s the ninth most popular first language in the world, and Japan being a powerful economic force in science and technology, learning Japanese is beneficial. It's also the third most popular language on the Internet, behind English and Chinese.
Japan's economy remains remarkably strong, despite being overtaken by China in recent years. Japanese is one of the best languages to study because of the Pacific Rim and Asia's growing global importance, as well as the economic links between the United States and Japan. Although it is one of the most difficult languages to learn, it will help you order meals and learn about the local cuisine and culture.
The Japanese have a strong desire to travel. Japanese is a wonderful skill to have if you want to work in the tourism industry. Because of its rich and distinct history, Japan is a popular tourist destination, and it's easy to stay motivated to study when you can watch your favorite anime as practice. From the modern city of Tokyo to the ancient temples of Kyoto and the snow-capped peak of Mount Fuji, Japan is diverse.
It's also a lot of fun to visit since, unlike other countries where you can get by with only speaking English, your Japanese will definitely come in handy. Another advantage of learning Japanese is that you'll have lots of opportunities to improve your listening skills, since Japan exports popular Manga and Anime shows that offer excellent study materials. On the Internet, Japanese is the third most commonly spoken language.
Japan is also a major business centre. Japan has the world's third-largest economy (by GDP) and is also one of the most innovative countries. Japan is the third-largest economy in the world. Furthermore, Japan is the United States' fourth-largest commercial partner. As a result, anyone interested in a career in international business should brush up on their Japanese.
For individuals working in the automobile, communications, or finance industries, Japanese is one of the most valuable languages to know. Japan is the world's third-largest automaker and one of the leading producers of mobile technology. Japan is home to some of the world's most prominent corporations, including Mitsubishi, KDDI, Softbank, and NTT, according to Forbes.
Furthermore, because Japan is recognized for its creativity, learning Japanese might be useful to technology enthusiasts, whether you want to work in the area or simply keep up with the newest innovations. Japan is a big importer of western goods as well. Technology powerhouses such as Canon, Sony, Panasonic, Nintendo, Toshiba, and a slew of others had their start in Japan.
The ability to speak Japanese is a benefit for individuals in related professions due to the country's excellent performance, investments, and breakthroughs in research and development, technology, robotics, and cutting-edge electronics.
8. Hindi
With one of the biggest populations of speakers in the world, Hindi is without a doubt one of the most important languages to learn. Many people are surprised to find that Hindi is one of the top 10 languages to learn. India is the world's second most populated country, behind China, with 1.3 billion people. Hindi is the world's fourth most widely spoken language and the official language of India, the birthplace of yoga and four religions.
There are around 260 million native Hindi speakers in the world. Another 69 million people use Urdu as their first language. It is spoken as a second language by 247 million people. Hindi is one of the two official languages of the Indian government, spoken across the Indian subcontinent. In Northern India and Pakistan, Hindustani is spoken. India, Nepal, and Fiji are among the countries where this language is widely spoken.
Despite the fact that English is spoken by a substantial portion of the Indian people, over 80% of the population is not considered fluent. Learning Hindustani might put you ahead of the curve in your industry, since India is expected to have the world's fastest expanding large-scale economy. One of the most significant developing economies is the Indian subcontinent.
Government agencies have expanded their spending in technology and communications, while mobile adoption and international investment continue to rise. All of these factors have led to Hindi's quick rise to prominence as a global language.
Learning Hindi also allows you to enter the world of Bollywood movies, which is known for its lavish costumes, long dance routines, dramatic plot lines, and catchy tunes that will stay in your head all day. In addition, if you are interested in spiritual or meditative practices, Hindi will help you in understanding the original texts.
9. Turkish
Turkish isn't something you'd expect to see on a list like this. Despite being designated as a critical language by the US State Department and having 75 million native speakers—slightly more than Italian and slightly less than Korean—it has largely gone unnoticed as a foreign language to learn, despite the fact that it is spoken as a second language by over 15 million people.
In recent years, Turkey has assumed a larger role in international affairs. Turkey is also rapidly expanding in other areas: it is the world's fastest-growing exporter of television shows. Turkish dramas are well-known around the world!
10. Italian
Although Italian may not have the largest number of speakers on our list, it is nevertheless an essential language to learn. Italian is spoken as a first language by around 65 million people worldwide, with an additional 3 million using it as a second language. In addition, it is the official language of Switzerland and the Croatian region!
Due to its cuisine, weather, history, fashion, and culture, Italy is a famous tourist destination. It is also renowned as the country with the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites, making it a must-know language for travellers. Italy is home to more than 50 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Italian is very beneficial for anybody interested in art, fashion, food, history, and/or music because of Italy's extensive cultural ties.
You can't go wrong with this Romance language, with hundreds of American companies conducting business with Italians. This is a famous tourist location, and knowing Italian will aid you in your travels. Furthermore, understanding any of these related romance languages — Spanish, French, Italian, or Portuguese — will make learning the others in the group much easier.
11. Russian
Many Eastern European and Europeanasian countries use Russian as their primary language. Not only that, but Russian is also spoken in numerous Eastern European and Central Asian countries! Because only 5% of Russians speak English, knowing Russian can help you make more connections if you want to spend time there.
It is still the most commonly spoken Slavic language, with over 153 million native speakers and over 113 million people who speak it as a second language, making it the world's eighth most common language. Russian is spoken by an estimated 268 million people worldwide.
Although Russian is only the official language of two countries—Russia and Belarus—it is widely used across the former Soviet Union (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Byelorussia, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine). Russian is one of the United Nations' six official languages, and the US government has classified it as a priority language.
In addition, Russian has the second largest percentage of online material (after English) and the highest percentage of internet content in Europe. Russia is undeniably a significant political and economic force. Russia has been designated as one of four key international powers with rapidly expanding influence. It has already surpassed China as the world's sixth largest economy.
Russian is an official language of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), making it important in international affairs, diplomacy, and trade. Each year, the Russian economy expands, and knowing Russian will give you an advantage in business and international affairs.
Russian is regarded as one of the most valuable languages to learn in the future due to the large number of Russian speakers and the possibilities for business and investment. Furthermore, Russia's economy is anticipated to expand. Russian is especially significant in international politics due to Russia's size and influence.
Professionals in a variety of industries benefit from learning Russian. Finally, Russia is well-known for its engineering talent and IT community, and Russian is a widely used language in scientific and technical literature in fields such as physics and engineering.
12. Portuguese
While you may think of Portugal when you hear the word Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese is the official language of Brazil. What makes it such an important language? Although Portuguese is not as popular as Spanish, it is growing in popularity. This is due to the fact that Portuguese is the official language of Brazil, a developing economy.
Portuguese is the world's sixth most frequently spoken language, with around 230 million speakers. In Latin America, Portuguese is second only to Spanish as the most widely spoken language. Portuguese is a widely spoken language all over the world. In terms of popularity, Portuguese is well ahead of German, French, and Italian, and it is the official language of eight countries in Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia.
Portuguese is spoken in a few African countries, including Mozambique, Cape Verde, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, and So Tomé. While many people consider Spanish to be the most popular language to study, Portuguese is becoming increasingly important. Because the two languages are so similar, learning Portuguese is a reasonable next step if you already know Spanish.
It's also a simple language to pick up, especially if you already know Spanish. Portuguese is the second-fastest-growing European language after English, according to UNESCO estimations. Brazil retains its position as Latin America's largest economy, and native English speakers will find it quite easy to learn.
While you'll be able to practice your Portuguese with over 10 million individuals in Portugal, it appears that Brazil is the next frontier for South American commerce. Speaking Brazilian Portuguese is becoming increasingly valued and may be a major advantage on any CV, thanks to Brazil's expanding economy, which is presently the seventh largest in the world, and a thriving tourist industry.
As the country's tourism industry grows and more international firms set up shop, the need for Portuguese speakers rises. In fact, the British Council listed Portuguese as one of the top ten most essential languages for the future, indicating that it provides a wealth of educational, diplomatic, and, of course, foreign investment prospects.
Knowing Portuguese will help you advance in the fields of science, education, trade, and diplomacy. In reality, Portuguese Language Experts are in high demand in a variety of fields, including accounting, technology, technical assistance, finance, exports, tourism, and education.
If that wasn't enough to convince you that this is one of the most important languages to learn, consider the following: Brazil is fast becoming one of the world's most powerful economies. Brazil has the greatest economic market in Latin America, and because English is not widely spoken there, you'll be able to get by with Portuguese.
Plus, because Portuguese is a relative of Spanish, it's a fantastic starting point for learning other Romance languages. Brazil, the world's eighth largest economy, has seen fast development and has established itself as a key trading partner with the United States and Europe. Minerals, iron, steel, coffee, and grains are the most important exports.
Brazilian Portuguese is a useful language for business, logistics, and agriculture experts. Furthermore, because Brazil is home to the Amazon jungle, biologists and other scientists studying the region may benefit from knowing Portuguese.
13. Korean
More than 75 million people speak Korean, including 48 million in South Korea, 24 million in North Korea, about 2 million in China, over 1 million in the United States, and 500,000 in Japan. While this is a large number, it does make it less common than the other languages on this list — which might be an advantage. As a result, Korea is thriving in the global marketplace.
Knowing Korean, a major participant in the global economy and politics, will offer you an advantage in the employment market. If you opt to work or go overseas, you will find lots of expats in Korea, which is home to Samsung technology and several US military facilities.
Companies like Samsung, LG, Hyundai, and others have made investments in India. Many of these Korean companies have a high demand for Korean language experts.
It’s Time To Start Learning
Nearly half of the world's population speaks these thirteen languages as of 2017. You can converse with roughly 12% of the world's population if you know English, but learning another one of the world's most spoken languages may vastly improve your networking, professional prospects, personal skills, and travel opportunities. So, what do you have to lose? Start studying one of the world's most widely spoken languages today and expand your horizons.
After Knowing The Best Languages To Learn, What’s Next?
What will you do now that you know the best languages to learn, the languages you should study, the most helpful languages, and the easiest languages to learn for English speakers? Why not take your game to the next level? Pimsleur is a great place to start learning languages. You will have a more meaningful and convenient language learning experience as a result of this.
After you've decided on a preferred language, it's time to get started with Pimsleur!
If you're reading this, you probably already know what language you'd like to study. However, who knows, you might not want to put all your eggs in one basket. Perhaps you're considering adding a third or fourth language to your repertoire.
The good news is that Pimsleur allows you to focus on more than one language. You may study up to three languages at once, at your own speed - it's the greatest way to even the linguistic odds.
Although choosing a language to learn is a major decision, you can always use Pimsleur to assist you. Online audio lessons make learning a language in just 30 minutes a day easier than ever before. That means you can practice all of the languages listed above (and more) from the convenience of your own home!
Nothing is impossible with the right tool and determination, as stated above. Learning a new language can broaden your horizons and allow you to have a better knowledge of different cultures. Start learning languages now that you know the best languages to learn!
Private lessons are the way to go if you're serious about taking your language abilities to the next level. ITalki makes it simple to book online sessions with the best language teacher/tutor.
That's it! I hope I've been able to answer your question on "the best foreign language to learn?” Whatever place is on your travel wish list, don't forget to factor in the language you'll need to learn to make the most of your trip.
At the end of the day, the best language to learn is the one that interests you the most—it will keep you motivated to study and practice no matter what obstacles you encounter. So, whether your ambition is to complete business transactions in Mandarin or make friends with Egyptians, know that your hard effort will pave the way for you. So, what's stopping you from learning a new language?
Always keep in mind that learning a language is only as hard as you make it out to be, and with time, effort, and practice, you'll be surprised at how far you've come.
There you have it - you just learned the top thirteen best languages to learn. And that means you can now choose one, if not more of these languages to learn from this list.
Let’s quickly recap the highlights:
You learned that you can converse with roughly 12% of the world's population if you know English, but learning another one of the world's most spoken languages may vastly improve your networking, professional prospects, personal skills, and provide you with more travel opportunities.
You discovered that nearly half of the world's population speaks these thirteen languages as of 2017.
You discovered how Pimsleur makes it easier than ever to get started learning your chosen language from this list in just 30 minutes a day.
“Which language should I learn?” is a common question that many people have searched online. Reading about some of the most common means of communication is the greatest method to answer this question.
If you're reading this, you may see new connections between a language and your goals and interests. You might be interested in learning a new language but aren't sure where to begin. When picking a language to study, there are several factors to consider.
From your hobbies to your learning style, this questionnaire considers a variety of factors to consider while choosing a language for your study plan. Take this short free quiz to know which language is best for you to learn!
RELATED: What Language Should I Learn? Take the Quiz To Find Out.
As you can see, there are a lot of languages to choose from. However, it doesn’t need to be difficult. That’s why I’m going to give you a free quiz to make it easier than ever to find out which language you should learn. So, go ahead and take this free quiz today - you’ll be glad you did!
Bottom line: you may already know what language to choose from this list. So, your next step is easy - take action on what you just learned. Because the sooner you do, the sooner you’ll start reaching fluency while enjoying learning a new language with Pimsleur!
Ready to have some fun learning a new language? Then take action on what you just learned - you’ll be glad you did! Be a good friend and share this post on social media.
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So, here’s the question: Do you have another favorite language that didn’t make the list? Let us know why it’s your favorite in the comments below!
P.S. I want to hear from you today. No for real, get out from behind that keyboard and tell us more about yourself! Use the comment section down below and introduce yourself.
Hey, I’m Mara.
I am the founder and blogger of Sololingual helping anyone at any age, from any place, who wants to learn a new language. You can learn how to reach fluency in your chosen language fast, fun and easily studying a short amount each day and spending very little money using different language learning techniques, programs and resources at your disposal. Fluency isn't difficult to achieve. In fact, it’s easy when you find a solid method that walks you through every step of the way, and believing in yourself so that you can achieve your goal at becoming fluent in any language.