Rosetta Stone Review: Has The Method Itself Been Changed And Improved?
Rosetta Stone Review: Has The Method Itself Been Changed And Improved?
Photo Credit: Postmodern Studio/Shutterstock
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Is Rosetta Stone Actually Good?
Are you looking to learn a new language? Rosetta Stone is one of the most popular language learning software programs available on the market.
It has been used by people all over the world to learn foreign languages, and many people swear by its effectiveness.
But does it really work? While it has some good features, it also has some downsides that people should be aware of before investing in the program.
Some people have complained about its high price tag, while others have said that it doesn’t always work as well as they would like it to.
In this comprehensive review of the program, we will take a closer look at the pros and cons of Rosetta Stone so that you can get a better idea if it's right for you. We will explore how this software can help you learn a new language quickly and easily, as well as some of its drawbacks.
What Is Rosetta Stone?
Rosetta Stone is a language learning software program that has been around for more than 20 years. It’s designed to be interactive and uses the “immersion” method, which means you don’t need a teacher or any other resources.
The program uses audio clips of native speakers and visual images to teach you a language. It has grammar and vocabulary lessons as well as quizzes to help you improve your skills.
It also comes with tracking tools to help users keep track of their progress and reinforce what they have learned.
What’s The Method Behind Rosetta Stone?
What Makes Rosetta Stone Unique? Rosetta Stone has several features that set it apart from other language learning software programs. It uses a “Dynamic Immersion” method which gradually introduces new words and phrases in context while tracking the learner’s progress. This helps to make the learning process more efficient.
It also has a “Speech Recognition” feature which listens to the user’s speech and provides feedback, helping them perfect their pronunciation.
How Does Rosetta Stone Work?
The Rosetta Stone philosophy is built around the idea of repetition and accountability. The main idea behind the program is that it teaches languages by building on what you already know. The program includes a series of short lessons that users can complete at their own pace.
It starts off by teaching foundational vocabulary and grammar and then moves onto more complex topics. With each lesson, users are presented with new words or phrases in context so they can understand how it fits into real life conversations.
This helps to ensure that users can understand what they are learning and connect new words with existing knowledge.
The lessons are supplemented by activities that encourage users to practice what they’ve learned. This helps to ensure that users can recall the material when needed and get more out of their language learning experience.
Rosetta Stone also uses speech recognition technology to help users improve their pronunciation and make sure that they can be understood.
It also includes a feature where users can record themselves speaking the language and receive feedback from native speakers. This is designed to build confidence when speaking foreign languages.
What Are The Benefits Of Using Rosetta Stone?
There are many benefits to using Rosetta Stone, including the following:
1.) Rosetta Stone is designed to be used without a teacher or any other resources, making it convenient for people who want to learn on their own.
2.) It’s convenient and easy to use, with in-depth lessons that introduce new words and concepts.
3.) The speech recognition feature can help you perfect your pronunciation.
4.) The program comes with tracking tools to help users monitor their progress and reinforce what they have learned.
5.) The program has a well-structured learning plan and an easy-to-use interface which makes it much easier to pick up a new language.
6.) The course uses a combination of audio, images, text, and interactive exercises that make it easier to stay engaged while learning the language.
7.) Rosetta Stone also offers a variety of online resources for learners, including games and activities that help to reinforce the lessons they are learning.
8.) Rosetta Stone provides access to native speakers so users can practice their speaking and listening skills in the language they are learning.
9.) It’s an interactive program. This means that you're able to practice speaking the language you're learning with other people who are also learning it. This can be a great way to improve your skills.
10.) Rosetta Stone is compatible with a variety of devices, making it easy for anyone to learn wherever they are. Whether you’re on your desktop computer or using your smartphone, you can download the app and learn at your own pace.
11.) You can purchase it for a lifetime subscription, or you can subscribe to it on a monthly basis. This makes it a great option for budget-minded people.
How Do You Use Rosetta Stone?
How do you use Rosetta Stone? Well, first you have to choose the language you want to learn. Once you've selected your language, you'll be prompted to create an account. This is where your progress will be tracked and stored, so you can always go back and review what you've learned.
Now it's time to start learning! The program is broken down into units, which consist of several lessons each. In each lesson, you'll be introduced to new words and phrases, and will then be prompted to use them in a variety of exercises.
There are also quizzes and games sprinkled throughout the lessons to keep things interesting.
One of the best things about Rosetta Stone is that it's so immersive. You're not just reading or listening to vocabulary words; you're actually using them in context, which helps you remember them better. Plus, the lessons are always challenging but never too difficult, so you never feel overwhelmed.
You can schedule your first live tutoring session with a native speaker of your target language for practicing your listening and speaking skills as soon as you complete Unit 1, Core Lesson 2.
The software also uses a variety of activities such as flashcards, multiple-choice quizzes and audio recordings to help you practice your language skills.
The program keeps track of your progress and provides feedback so that you can measure how well you’re doing. You can also access supplemental materials such as grammar guides, pronunciation tips and vocabulary lists.
Best Way To Use Rosetta Stone
So, how do you get the most out of Rosetta Stone? Here are a few tips:
1. Don't try to learn too many new words at once
Rosetta Stone is designed to teach you one word at a time, so make sure you focus on each word and its meaning before moving on to the next one. This will help you learn more effectively and retain the information better.
2. Don't skip ahead
Some people may be tempted to skip ahead in the lessons if they feel like they are catching on quickly. However, it's important to stick to the prescribed lesson plan in order to get the most out of the program.
3. Use the practice exercises regularly
These exercises are essential for reinforcing what you have learned in the lessons. Make sure you do them as often as possible, especially if you are struggling with a particular concept.
4. Don't get discouraged if you don't understand everything at first
Learning a new language can be difficult, so don't expect to understand everything from the start. Just keep practicing and eventually everything will start to make sense.
The Best Features Of Rosetta Stone
There are many great features to Rosetta Stone, but some of the most notable include the following:
Comprehensive lesson plans
The software offers comprehensive lesson plans that cover vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and more.
Immersion learning
One of the best things about Rosetta Stone is that it's so immersive. You're not just reading or listening to vocabulary words; you're actually using them in context, which helps you remember them better.
Plus, the lessons are always challenging but never too difficult, so you never feel overwhelmed.
Vocabulary Builder
The Vocabulary Builder feature allows you to practice the new words you’ve learned in the lessons and helps reinforce the information.
You can also access supplemental materials such as grammar guides, pronunciation tips and vocabulary lists for extra practice if needed.
Adaptive learning technology
Rosetta Stone's adaptive learning technology ensures that you are always challenged at the right level and that you are making progress.
The program monitors your progress and adjusts the difficulty of the lessons accordingly. This makes it a great option for people of all levels of ability.
Speech Recognition Software
Rosetta Stone's speech recognition software lets you practice your pronunciation and intonation. It provides feedback so that you can learn to speak more accurately and confidently.
Comprehensive feedback
The software provides comprehensive feedback on your progress so you can track how well you’re doing.
Interactive Games
These games help you learn by putting you in real-life situations with native speakers of the language. For instance, you might be asked to order food at a restaurant or ask for directions in the street.
This is an excellent way to practice and improve your language skills. You can also practice your language skills with a variety of activities such as flashcards, multiple-choice quizzes and audio recordings.
Interactive exercises
The exercises in Rosetta Stone are always challenging but never too difficult, so you never feel overwhelmed. Plus, they are really fun and engaging, which makes learning a breeze. You can practice speaking with other people who are learning the same language as you.
Live Tutoring
As mentioned above, Rosetta Stone offers live tutoring sessions with native speakers. These one-on-one sessions are a great way to practice speaking and get personalized feedback on your progress.
What Are The Lessons Like?
Are divided into smaller lessons that focus on a particular aspect of language learning. You'll start off with basic vocabulary and grammar, but as you progress you'll delve more deeply into pronunciation, listening comprehension and other topics.
The software also uses games and interactive activities to keep the lessons interesting.
Unit Lessons
Typically start with a video introducing the topic, followed by audio recordings of native speakers.
Then you will practice the new words and phrases using interactive activities such as ordering food in a restaurant or asking for directions. Finally you'll take quizzes to make sure you understand what you've learned.
Where Can You Take Rosetta Stone Lessons?
One of the great things about Rosetta Stone is that it can be used pretty much anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. This makes it a very versatile option, since you can learn a new language no matter where you are.
It is available both on desktop and mobile devices, so users can learn even when they are away from home. You can access the program online, or you can download the software to your computer. It also comes in the form of an app that can be used on mobile devices.
Rosetta Stone App
The Rosetta Stone app is a great way to learn a new language on the go. The app is available for both iOS and Android devices. This makes it easy to use when you are out and about and have some free time.
It includes the same features that are found in the desktop program, such as speech recognition and native speaker recordings. The app also includes a built-in dictionary, so you can look up words and phrases quickly and easily.
Users can access their profile from anywhere, so they can easily track their progress no matter where they are.
How Many Levels Are In Rosetta Stone?
Rosetta Stone features 12 or 20 units, depending on the language. Each unit emphasizes different vocabulary and language skills.
What Language Level Does Rosetta Stone Get You To?
Rosetta Stone will take you from a beginner to an intermediate level speaker. It’s designed to get you up to speed quickly—but it won’t make you fluent in any language.
How Long Does It Take To Complete A Unit In Rosetta Stone?
It varies greatly depending on your skill level, the language you are learning, and how much time you devote to studying each day. It also depends on how frequently you are using the program and how much studying you are doing outside of it.
The program is designed to be self-paced so that it can accommodate a variety of learners, from those who want to take their time learning and may only use the software once or twice a week, to those who are more ambitious and want to finish their units as quickly as possible.
It also allows users to skip ahead if they are feeling confident enough in the material, which can help speed up the process.
How Long Are Rosetta Stone Lessons?
Rosetta Stone lessons are typically 15–20 minutes in duration. This varies depending on the language being learned and the user's skill level, but it's usually around this amount of time.
Lessons are structured in a way that makes it easy for people to learn at their own pace, so those who want to spend more or less time on a particular lesson can do so without difficulty.
How Long Should You Do Rosetta Stone Each Day?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. It depends on your own personal goals and what you hope to get out of the program. However, it's generally recommended that you use the software at least once a day for 20 minutes in order to see results.
This will give you enough time to really focus on the language and make progress. If you can spare more time than that, all the better – the more you study, the faster you'll learn!
If you're a beginner, 30 minutes may be all you need at first. But if you're more experienced or want to progress more quickly, you can easily ramp up your time commitment to an hour or even two hours per day.
It all depends on your individual needs and goals. Just be sure not to overdo it – too much studying can actually lead to burnout and decreased motivation. Find what works best for you and stick to it!
How Often Should I Use Rosetta Stone?
How much time you devote to the program will depend on your individual goals and needs. Some people may find they need more repetition and practice than others, while some may find that they can move through the program at a faster pace. You should also consider how long you have to devote to language learning.
It’s important to remember that language learning is a process and can take a long time depending on your goals. The more often you use Rosetta Stone, the better your results will be.
The program is designed to help you build on what you have learned each time you use it, so regular practice and dedication are key. I'd recommend using Rosetta Stone a little bit everyday.
Remember, you don't want to overwhelm yourself with too much material. And if you find that you're not enjoying the process anymore or simply can't find the motivation to continue, take a break and come back when you feel refreshed and ready to learn again. Rosetta Stone will still be there waiting for you!
It's very user-friendly. The lessons are structured in such a way that makes it easy for people to learn at their own pace, without feeling overwhelmed.
It's adaptable to different skill levels. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced learner, Rosetta Stone can accommodate your needs.
The lessons are short and manageable. This makes it easier for people to stick with the program, since they're not spending hours upon hours studying each day.
It provides learners with constant repetition and reinforcement. This helps embed the material into your memory, and you'll start seeing results quicker than if you were just learning from textbooks or other traditional methods.
It has a great speech recognition system. This lets you practice your pronunciation and get feedback on how you're doing, so you can make sure that you're speaking the language correctly.
Rosetta Stone offers an app for mobile devices. This makes it easier for people to access the program and use it on the go, whether they're commuting or just sitting at home.
Live tutoring is also available, which provides an opportunity for you to practice your new language in real-time in a small group setting.
Your sessions are guided by a tutor who is a native speaker of your target language. You listen and speak only in your target language, so you gain confidence and an active command of the language.
It's expensive. Rosetta Stone can be a bit pricey compared to some other language learning programs out there, and the cost may not be worth it if you're just looking to learn a language quickly.
It lacks cultural context. While Rosetta Stone does teach the basics of a language, it doesn't provide much insight into the culture or customs behind it. So if you're interested in cultural immersion, this might not be the best option for you.
It doesn't provide much grammar instruction. Rosetta Stone mainly focuses on teaching you vocabulary, pronunciation and listening comprehension skills—it doesn't really delve too deeply into the grammar rules of a language.
There's no human interaction. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it can be difficult to stay motivated when you're learning a language completely on your own. It can also be hard to understand the subtleties of a language without having someone there to answer questions or explain more complex concepts.
It doesn't work for everyone. Everyone learns differently, and some people might find that Rosetta Stone isn't the best program for them. It's important to find a language learning program that works for your individual needs and style of learning.
Speaking skills can be lacking. While Rosetta Stone does have a great speech recognition system, it may not be enough to help you develop strong speaking skills right away compared to other language learning programs.
Rosetta Stone only offers 25 languages to learn. Depending on the language you're interested in, there may not be a Rosetta Stone course available.
Can You Become Fluent With Rosetta Stone?
Rosetta Stone is designed to help people learn a language quickly and effectively, but it won’t make you fluent in any language. To become truly fluent, you need more than just the Rosetta Stone program.
You will also need to practice your target language regularly through conversations with native speakers and other activities.
RELATED: Guaranteed To Reach Fluency: How To Learn A Language In 6 Months.
It's important to remember that it takes a lot of time and effort to reach this level of proficiency. You can't become fluent overnight – it takes months or even years of hard work and dedication.
How Long Does It Take To Become Fluent Using Rosetta Stone?
As I mentioned earlier, Rosetta Stone won't make you fluent, however, in order to reach fluency in a language, it can be a very helpful tool.
On average, it takes around 3-6 months of daily use to get familiar with the basics of the language you are learning. It also depends on how much experience you already have with that language and your level of commitment.
RELATED: How Long Does It Take To Learn A Language? Shocking Truth!
Keep in mind that this is just a rough estimation – the amount of time it takes to learn a language varies from person to person. Some people may progress faster than others, while some might take longer.
The advantage of Rosetta Stone is that it allows you to progress at your own pace, so you can take as much or as little time as you need to really absorb and understand the language.
Which Languages Does Rosetta Stone Offer?
Chinese (Mandarin)
English (British)
English (American)
Farsi (Persian)
Portuguese (Brazil)
Spanish (Latin America)
Spanish (Spain)
Tagalog (Filipino)
How Much Does A Rosetta Stone Course Cost?
Rosetta Stone offers three payment plans:
3 Months: Select your target language from the drop-down menu and pay 3 monthly installments or a one-time payment.
Lifetime Subscription: Includes all 25 languages for a one-time payment.
12 Months: Select your target language from the drop-down menu and pay 12 monthly installments or a one-time payment.
What's Included With Rosetta Stone Unlimited?
All plans include:
Bite-sized lessons available online and offline
Fully immersive environment for long-lasting learning
Leading speech recognition technology to perfect your accent
Their award-winning app - 4.8 stars on the App Store!
100% Satisfaction: 30-day money-back guarantee
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Rosetta Stone certified?
Yes, Rosetta Stone is a certified language-learning software.
Can Rosetta Stone count as high school credit?
Yes, some high schools offer the option of using Rosetta Stone as a language credit. It’s important to contact your local school or district to find out if they accept it.
Is Rosetta Stone accepted by colleges?
Yes, many colleges and universities accept Rosetta Stone as a language credit. However, it’s best to check with the school you are applying to in order to find out if they accept the program.
Does Rosetta Stone have a placement test?
Yes, Rosetta Stone has a placement test that allows learners to determine their current language level and customize their learning plan.
What age is Rosetta Stone appropriate for?
Rosetta Stone is appropriate for all ages. The software has been designed to work with children as young as four, and adults of any age can use the program too.
Is Rosetta Stone good for beginners?
Yes, Rosetta Stone is very user-friendly and suitable for beginners. The program starts with the basics of a language and progresses incrementally to more complex concepts.
Is Rosetta Stone just for beginners?
No, Rosetta Stone is suitable for all levels of language learning. There are activities and lessons to challenge learners at every level, from beginner to advanced.
Is Rosetta Stone good for vocabulary?
Yes, Rosetta Stone is excellent for building vocabulary. The program introduces words in context and repeats them to help learners remember them. Additionally, it provides images and audio recordings to further reinforce new vocabulary.
Does Rosetta Stone teach grammar?
Yes, Rosetta Stone does teach grammar. The program introduces grammatical concepts in a visual and interactive way, helping learners understand how words and phrases fit together. It also offers practice activities to reinforce the material.
Does Rosetta Stone record your voice?
Yes, Rosetta Stone does record your voice. The program features advanced speech recognition technology that enables users to track their pronunciation and receive feedback on their accent.
Can you do Rosetta Stone without speaking?
Yes, Rosetta Stone does offer a “Non-Speaking Mode” for users who don’t want to speak. This mode allows learners to read, listen and write in the target language without having to actually speak it.
Can you skip lessons in Rosetta Stone?
Yes, Rosetta Stone does allow you to skip lessons. The program has a “Review Mode” feature which allows learners to revisit previously completed lessons and brush up on their language skills.
Do you need headphones for Rosetta Stone?
No, headphones are not required for Rosetta Stone. However, the program does recommend wearing headphones to get the most out of the speech recognition and audio activities.
Using headphones ensures that the speech recognition technology can accurately record your voice and provide feedback on accent and pronunciation.
Can you use Rosetta Stone without Internet?
Yes, Rosetta Stone can be used without an Internet connection. The program has an Offline Mode which allows learners to continue their language learning even when there is no Wi-Fi or cellular connection available.
However, some features will not be available in this mode. The program also allows users to download lessons and audio files for offline use.
Does Rosetta Stone give you a certificate?
Yes, Rosetta Stone does issue certificates to learners who complete specific levels of language learning. The certificate is issued when the learner reaches certain milestones and demonstrates proficiency in the language they are studying.
Can you get to B2 with Rosetta Stone?
Yes, with Rosetta Stone it is possible to reach B2 level. The program has several levels of language learning, and each level builds upon the previous one. With dedication and practice, users should be able to reach the B2 level within a reasonable amount of time.
Can you cancel Rosetta Stone at any time?
Yes, Rosetta Stone offers a 30-day money back guarantee. Users can cancel their subscription within the first 30 days and receive a full refund if they are not satisfied with the program.
Can two people use one Rosetta Stone subscription?
No, Rosetta Stone only allows one user per subscription. If two or more people would like to use the program, they will need to purchase separate subscriptions.
Does Rosetta Stone expire?
No, a Rosetta Stone subscription does not expire. Once you purchase the program, it will remain active indefinitely until you decide to cancel it.
Is Rosetta Stone Right For You?
Who is Rosetta Stone for?
If you're new to learning languages or if you only study casually
If you want to build a basic or mid level foundation in vocabulary and grammar
If you're short on time
Who is Rosetta Stone NOT for?
If you’re intermediate or advanced, or a dedicated language enthusiast
If your goal is to focus on conversation skills
Is It Worth Buying Rosetta Stone?
Rosetta Stone is a great option for those just starting out in language learning. It offers an immersive and interactive experience that makes it easy to learn vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.
The software also has advanced speech recognition technology that provides feedback on your accent and pronunciation. Rosetta Stone also offers certificates upon successful completion of each level, which can be helpful if you need to prove your new language proficiency.
The software can be expensive, and the subscription-based model may not be ideal for those on a budget. The program also has limited focus on conversation skills, which may not suit all learners.
Ultimately, it’s worth considering Rosetta Stone as an option for learning a new language, but it’s important to weigh the pros and cons carefully before investing in a subscription.
Overall, Rosetta Stone is a popular language learning software program that can be very useful for some people who are trying to learn a new language. However, it has some drawbacks that should be considered before investing in the program.
It’s not guaranteed to work for everyone, and it does require some dedication on the part of the user if they are to get the most out of it.
In spite of these drawbacks, many people have had success with Rosetta Stone and found it to be an effective way to learn a new language. It’s worth taking a closer look at the features and benefits of this program to see if it’s the right choice for you.
By considering all of these factors, you can make an informed decision about whether or not Rosetta Stone is the best language-learning software for your needs.
You should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages before investing in the program, so you can make a decision that is best for your particular situation. With this knowledge, you may just find yourself speaking a new language in no time!
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So, here’s the question: Have you tried Rosetta Stone yet? If so, what was your experience like? Did you enjoy using Rosetta stone? Did you dislike it? And if you haven’t tried Rosetta Stone, will you be trying the program? Let us know in the comments section down below.
P.S. I want to hear from you today. No for real, get out from behind that keyboard and tell us more about yourself! Use the comment section down below and introduce yourself.
Hey, I’m Mara.
I am the founder and blogger of Sololingual helping anyone at any age, from any place, who wants to learn a new language. You can learn how to reach fluency in your chosen language fast, fun and easily studying a short amount each day and spending very little money using different language learning techniques, programs and resources at your disposal. Fluency isn't difficult to achieve. In fact, it’s easy when you find a solid method that walks you through every step of the way, and believing in yourself so that you can achieve your goal at becoming fluent in any language.